Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Things that are stressing me today

1. There is a definite chance no one will be working by the end of the month.
2. I might have to go out and get some menial and demeaning job.
3. I might have to get my license reinstated and get a horrible off-shift job.
4. I was told I am a blithering idiot, but in a nice way.
5. I somehow became the enemy for events outside my control.
6. I wish for things to happen and yet don't take the steps to achieve what I want.

Then there are the normal things I worry about:

1. My children and their families
2. My sisters and their families
3. World crises and disasters
4. General ill will at home and abroad
5. Stupid people with too much power and control
6. The futility of it all

Aside from all that, I'm to be cheerful and upbeat. There is no purpose in being sad, blue, depressed, or less than happy. Life is what you make it. And if you get lemons, add some sugar and water and presto, chango you have lemonade.

Even my dog has an ear infection again.

I think I am permitted to get away from the happy factory people and look at life right here in my office. It isn't all that cheery right now. I'm uncertain as to what will happen in the near term and how that will effect the long term.

I've always been the consummate worrier and I'm very good at it. If I can worry when there is nothing to really worry about, I'm really good to go with the current state of affairs both globally and locally.

So, I'm not having a good day. This is in part due to all that is happening. It is also due in part to someone needing a scapegoat and picking me. I have no idea why that happened, but I must say – I don't like it. I'm innocent of all wrongdoing but some how I am being labeled Villain Of All That Could Go Wrong. Seems little over the top. But I'm going to take a deep breath and pretend I live at Tara.

Tomorrow is another day.
Thank God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you even when life is shitty. Nothing is going to make you (or me) stop worrying. We are just worriers, but we have to be good at something.

11:31 PM  

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