Monday, January 14, 2008


I do not have the least bit of faith in the political process. I do not believe a word that passes the lips of any of the Presidential candidates. It is my heartfelt belief that they – one an all, of any political party or none – will say whatever they think will get them elected.

It is my belief that they – one and all, regardless of party affiliation – are only seeking the office for self-aggrandizing power. There is no reason for me to believe that one candidate or another will in any way better my life.

It is my belief that any candidate will promise anything to get elected and then will tax me unmercifully to make sure that I'm powerless against the machine. Someone will lower my current status of health care while taxing me more than I am currently paying for health insurance, all in the name of "helping."

Someone will do something to make sure that everyone who doesn't work will have the same luxuries that I, as a working person, can enjoy. Karl Marx must be rolling in his grave laughing. He said that democracy would devolve or perhaps he thought it was evolve into communism.
Everyone wants something for nothing. Kids go to school and expect to be taught without putting in the effort to learn. Everyone is disabled or differently abled in some way that means that they must be catered to in order to level the playing field. Jobs should pay better and work shouldn't be so difficult.

There is no free lunch. Every thing that is given to the constituency is taken from the constituency, run through the red tape and skimmed, and then given back more useless than ever. Every "helpful" program has ended up hurting the people it was designed to help. From Unions to Welfare.

Jobs leave the country because union workers don't work. They attain seniority. Welfare creates a system of entitlement and robs the person of the humanity they were born with. The War on Drugs makes criminals where none really exist. Thank you big government.

I have been pestered for about two weeks now with several phone calls per week from AARP needing to talk to the head of household. Apparently AARP hasn't yet heard that women are now voting and given equal status before the law and not just puppets for their husbands. I have told and told the people calling from a hidden phone number and probably from someone who bought the AARP contact list, that he works and isn't home during the day.

I have offered to talk to whatever idiot it is that is calling me, but have been repeatedly told that they can't talk to me because I'm not the boss of myself and do only what the head of the household tells me to do, I'm worthless and not a thinking or rational being. I'm secondary and unimportant.

I guess I was close enough to murder today when I again was called – twice – and on the second time the caller said she would speak to me, even though they were supposed to talk to a male cuz I'm worthless. She wanted to know if we had yet received a booklet put out by AARP listing what each candidate has said about "affordable health care" and some other issue. I had seen the mailing. I saw it on the way to the trash.

I assured her that we had gotten it and would study it diligently before casting any votes, because if a politician said it – ever – even once in their whole lives, then by God, mom, and apple pie, they will stick to whatever rhetoric they have spewed. Because there has never, not in all of recorded history, ever been even one politician who went back on a platform promise once they were elected.

Hopefully, I will not be getting any more phone calls. I know in my heart that it doesn't matter. Politician, at this level of government, are all a pack of self-aggrandizing liars, thieves, and scurrilous dogs. Nothing they say can be believed. Their real and true and only message is "I want to be elected. Vote for me."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having said all that, do you still vote for which scurrilous dog should sit on the throne?

9:33 AM  

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