Friday, December 21, 2007


Over a year and a half ago Dick had surgery. A year later he was to have a follow up procedure to make sure that he was remaining healthy. But a year after the surgery we were traveling in Alaska. Then there was another little unrelated health scare that needed attention. Then there was a non-hostile corporate takeover which was really quite hostile, but that is a different story.

So, a year and a half later, he is finally having that follow up procedure that will tell us that he is remaining healthy. After working in the "health care system" for more than two decades I know that the only safe appointment is the first one of the day. After that it is all a crap shoot, so to speak.

Today he was not the first appointment. That had some consolation. We didn't need to be up before dawn. However, there is also a down side. It means that schedules are never smooth and that appointments really aren't. His scheduled time was for 10 AM which meant that for some reason, we had to be there two hours before at 8 AM.

I knew better than to even think that I could last until well into the morning without coffee, so even though I am sure it was rude beyond belief, I made coffee this morning. I had three cups before leaving the house. I could see no benefit to my having a crushing headache while waiting. I did apologize, but it probably wasn't enough.

We left the house with more than enough time to get to the hospital. It was pouring. It was still dark. I am not that great of a driver. I hate driving in the rain and in the dark. But we had no choice and so I drove. And all was well until we were within about one-half mile of the hospital and traffic stopped. We waited and waited and cars were not moving at all. We surmised, correctly, that there was a wreck. We were close to the on ramp for Route 26 and Dick suggested we go up an exit and then come back.

I turned onto the highway and got up to 65 MPH for a good 30 seconds or so before there were all sorts of lit brake lights. It was another three miles of stop and go traffic to the next light. The highest speed we reached while in this mess was a whopping 25 MPH, but that didn't last long. We mostly cruised without me hitting the gas. We finally got off the highway, went around the ramps, got back on the highway heading west, and reached the hospital 27 minutes after first coming to a stop. We were on time, barely.

So we got to the hospital two hours early. That is standard procedure. Just like the military. Hurry up and wait. Which meant of course that we waited. I have my laptop with me. I see so many people with laptops when I volunteer that I thought I would lug it around. I was hoping that a large institution that already has computers with Internet access throughout, would have wireless points to make the visitors (and perhaps some of the patients) happy. Nope.

I will be suggesting this when they ask me how it went. Having access would have made this whole morning less stressful – at least for me.

So, at 10:10 (please note the time of the "appointment") we were told that the doctor was delayed in surgery and therefore Dick's procedure would also be delayed. Probably another hour. Great. I was already really tired of solitaire.

Finally, after playing god alone knows (because I didn't check before I closed the game) how many games of cards, and writing one three-page story for The Station shorts, they finally came to take him off for his scheduled appointment just 1.3 hours late. I understand. I wouldn't want my surgeon rushed if I were the patient. It isn't so much the delay in the case, it is the fact that we had to be here so much ahead of time.

So, now I am in the waiting area. It is loud and chilly. I'm not real sure why it is so cold. If I didn't have a burning up laptop on my lap, I would be shivering. And now I'm writing the story of my morning. Trying to kill some time while I wait.

I'm here today at this hospital, spending more time for a 45 minute procedure than I would have if I had been at my regular place on Friday morning – the sister Summerville hospital where I volunteer for 4 hours per week. I would have had to be there later, I would have been home sooner.

All I can say is that this better be good news. The nice part about this whole thing is that I can't upload this to my blog until I get home. See above about wireless connectivity. So, before I upload it, I will enter what the doctor tells me. I'm sure it will be that all is well. And I was correct, all is well.


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