Critical Irony
I love being part of MWC and there is another site out there administrated through the same venue.
It is a site designed to make me feel better about myself. But I'm not supposed to ever really feel bad about myself, so I am unsure how I can improve.
I read this line on a to do list: Continue to love myself thoroughly, WITHOUT criticism
And I answered it:
I am unsure about loving myself without criticism. I am a work in progress. If I don't permit any criticism to bubble up to the surface, how will I know where to work for improvement? When I feel like I've not done my best, not lived the way I know I might, dropped the ball, lowered the bar, failed ...
When I can identify where there is a weakness, I will know where to work for improvement. If I accept the me today, just as I am, thinking that it is the perfection of myself, then tomorrow I will be no better than I am now. I will simply be a day older.
Rather, if I look at where my life isn't meeting my own or even other people's expectation, I can then determine where best to spend my energy at improving. Tomorrow will come and perhaps I will be better than I was today. If I can accept the critical evaluation and learn from it. And then go on to improve my situation.
Dear me, I was simply wrong.
Wizard said this to me:
Stop being unsure of loving yourself. Right now. Immediately.
Ok, you're a masterpiece "in progress" but suppose you're where you're supposed to be, who you're supposed to be and that you have a great sense of humor.
Who says you have to improve? You could be perfect - as you.
You always did what you could with what you knew at the time. Was it your best? Who knows? It might just be that you search for, dig around and scratch all over trying to find a weakness, shining all your light and energy on it and boom, you'll find a weakness. Do you win if you find more? Hmmmm...
If you accept the you today, you will love yourself more, and make choices based on that love and open all kinds of doors that will stubbornly remain locked if you focus on any perceived imperfections.
You can only live to yourself. There is no one else and there is no spoon. Hee hee.
Really, though, SpChick, love yourself, totally, fully, completely, without reservation or purpose of evasion and all will be well.
Sincerely, wishing you all the best, folderol, etc.
The great and powerful Oz
I replied:
Perhaps we don't share the same definitions for certain words. I'm overwhelmingly in love with myself. I am awe-inpiringly in love with myself. I'm a certified egoist (as opposed to egotist which is cloying self love).
That doesn't mean that I can't notice that I'm impatient with people who drive erratically while on the cell phone, getting all angry in my car and adding to the general bad driving conditions. If I were less impatient, it would be good thing for all. For me, especially.
But without the critique of my own behavior, without any criticism, I might just decide that I need to be even more controlling, rather than less. By loving myself unconditionally but still evaluating my progress through life, I think that I have a better chance of becoming the person I wish to become.
Perhaps it would feel better if I say I evaluate my performance and find places in which improvement would benefit me. But that is just another way to say the same thing as "criticism."
Nope, I'm still wrong.
Sune told me:
When you look at persanal flaws or mistakes or short comings...Do it with LOVE for the looking at a innocent child..!!
What would Jesus do if he sees the same situation?
Only Forgive for he who has done the mistake..!
Beating or punishing consciously or unconsciously doesn't improve the we're used to do that!
The false-self..Body/Personality, sees imperfections in itself and in others all the time ....while the Real-self/ spirit just be in peace having nothing to do with anything!!
We think, we are the False-self...and never-ending dilemma of perfection...You better read this book for more understanding Spchick...this is a GREAT book!!
"The Disappearance of the Universe" by Gary Renard
I thought that a bit of irony was in order and responded:
You think it might help me improve?
Irony was totally missed when Sune wrote back:
I certainly do as it did for so many...It will help to see much more clearly in any situation or with any other person!!
Have a go Dear, You'll thank yourself for dong that later!!
And then again sent a link for this:
Read the topics in Inner child healing..Spchick..while you're here!!
Apparently people who have never met me are able to look at me critically and see where I need improvement, but I must accept myself as I am and not look critically at my behaviors or underlying ideation because I must love myself exactly as I am. But no one else has to do that and I'm simply wrong.
Ah, the irony. I think I will continue with the criticism of my unwanted behaviors and my attempt to correct them without worrying about other people who don't know me telling me how to be a better person.
Ugh. Their whole argument lacks common sense, logic and reason. Why do anything at all if I am perfect the way I am?
Human beings are fallible. It is our nature. Thus we work on our faults (most of us) to better our quality of life. We are not perfect with our faults, that's why they are called "faults".
What is the definition of perfection here? I seem to be missing something.
What would Jesus do? Seriously? You're going to throw the almighty Christian dart at me? I'll tell you what BIG THINKERS, chew on this little morsel: if we were perfect the way we are then your J.C. probably wouldn't have had to get nailed to a cross so that you could be saved.
Dolts! There is a vast difference between self-loathing and self-help. Just as their seems to be vast difference between common sense and perceived wisdom.
Get out of Oz and take a sip from the real world. Please. For everybody... You are not perfect. Nobody is. You shouldn't want to be. Imperfections are what make us unique you knuckleheads.
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