Barack Obama's presidential win made the message boards on the British forum where I play. They were so happy a Socialist was going to ru(i)n our country, because they apparently find the Socialist regime in England wonderful. At least, that's what they seemed to be saying. I did not use the word Socialist. And they were all happy about Karl Marx and saying just how much like Karl the Rock was.
So what exactly did Karl say that was so impressive? He said, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." What most idiots forget is the first half of this little ditty. They are very concerned with the second half.
A political cartoon by Clay Bennett from my mail today had a picture of a ballot with "Decision 2008" written across the top and two choices. The first was "We" and the second was "Me." This got me to thinking, which is probably gratifying to Mr. Bennett. What it made me think, however, is not what he probably expected.
I voted to keep my stuff. I like a Capitalist society where people who work hard and are diligent are rewarded with the fruits of their labors. I don't want to pay more taxes so people who don't work can have the same life-style as me. If they want the same life-style, I'm willing to allow them to work just as hard as I have all my life. I'm assuming, and maybe I'm incorrect, that would put me in the "Me" category for the cartoonist.
Why is someone who wants me to support them, to lift them up to my level by supplying the rewards of what I've worked, why is someone unwilling to work considered a "We?" Those people who would benefit from my labor seem far more "Me" than anyone who simply wanted to keep the things they worked for. I am not asking the "We" people for anything more than to simply be left alone. THEY want MY stuff. That seems far more egocentric than me just wanting to keep what I've earned.
Wednesday I looked at the election results and began to worry about what we've managed to accumulate over decades of hard work and self-deprivation. I was hoping to live a reasonable life and be able to leave my kids an inheritance. Good-by inheritance. If I'm going to be taxed to the rate of Socialized America, I'm not going to be able to save anymore funding. What we currently have should last us, maybe. But that isn't with a much higher taxation rate.
I've lived within my means all my life. When we couldn't afford fancy vacations, we didn't take them. If we didn't have the cash, we didn't buy it (excluding house and car) and we lived without credit card debt. I worked all day and came home and cooked dinner. We rarely went out to eat and we still don't. And for all that deprivation, what's my reward? I should support someone else.
Marx has a beginning part of his famous quote that is usually totally ignored. "From each according to his abilities" means everyone should be out in the work force doing something. If you are too stupid for anything else, you can babysit for the people who are skilled at something. No stay-at-home moms. That's not all you are able to do.
The reason this didn't work in the USSR was because if there is no incentive (higher pay or more reward) for good work than bad, why work harder? The reason the US grew so quickly from upstart colony to world power was because when we worked hard, we received the benefit of our labor. The more you tax, the less the benefit. The less reason to work hard.
Dad always said that no poor person ever made a job for anyone else. The workers need a place to work. As crummy as the Vanderbilts or Carnegies might have been, they created jobs with their wealth. Without Ford or Olds, what factory workers would have a job making cars? We need those with bright ideas to be able to profit from all the hard work they have invested in their product.
So what did I decide about money? I decided to spend it all. After taxes. I have enough for at least the next few years. Then I will became a "We" and hope there are enough "Me" folks to continue to support me in their life-style.
BTW, Open Secret says the Obama campaign raised $639 million and spent $573 million on his win. McCain's campaign raised $360 million and spent $293 million. Why are Republicans considered the "rich" folks?
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