Sunday, May 03, 2009

Prolific Spending

I will admit right up front, I do not think of President Obama as The Savior or even a prince. I think he is an ill-equipped man facing an impossible job. I don't know if anyone was properly equipped for this disaster, but a junior senator was not it.

So, what have our tax dollars been spent on this past week? Mr. Most Biggest Spender of the Senate has remained true to his past and helped us with our economy this week.

First there was the Swine Flu Pandemic to deal with. This media event was brought to you by inaccurate media hype and frightened people in the streets clamoring for safety. The idiots in charge have gone so far as to appease the media circus by actually wiping out the disease with a stroke of a pen. The World Health Organization stopped Swine Flu by naming it Influenza A H1N1 because that is much easier to deal with.

The media continue to call it Swine Flu because no one is going to continually write out that Influenza A H1N1 crap. Too much shift key involved. And, no one would know what you were talking about or the local idiot on the street would think there was a second killer flu out to decimate the over crowded planet.

At least the WHO is now showing Influenza A H1N1 updates when searching for Swine Flu updates. They aren't top on the list and the most recent thing looks like it is from last month, but they are parsing now.

More people have died of not the Swine Flu since the pandemic was announced than have died of this horrific killer. The media is now pointing out that many well people are flooding hospital emergency rooms because they have been scared half to death by the media telling them we are all going to die of Swine Flu and these silly people believed what they read or heard.

What has our Savior done? Well according to the press, "President Barack Obama has asked Congress for $1.5 billion in emergency funding, but it's unlikely that money would trickle down to local agencies."

Okay, what was this supposed to be for? Well, we needed to stockpile Tamiflu and Relenza. Apparently the evil drug manufacturers who prey on the unsuspecting public at all times trying like hell to just make an extra buck off the ill and infirm, were too stupid to see this money making bonanza. The government needed to waste $1.5 billion in some effort to … what? Did the drug manufacturers need to be forced to produce a hot selling item? This has never happened before.

What else was in the news this week? Chrysler went belly up. Well, they filed Chapter 11. This is after Chrysler Financial got a $1.5 billion bailout in January. This week, they got just a measly, pitiful $500,000 but it's not sure how that is going to really work, since they just filed that whole chapter thing. There is also a couple hundred million, okay, $280,130,000 set aside to cover Chrysler warranties. This doesn't count the billions of dollars also given to the other car makers. This is just Chrysler's share of my money.

I think I am supposed to feel bad for the CEO of Chrysler who will be leaving without any golden parachute. Pity. Mr. Nardelli left Home Depot after earning $32 million his last year and with a $210 million golden parachute. I sure hope he doesn’t end up on welfare now that he is going to have to not get millions of dollars for failing. He, like Lee Iacocca, took only a nominal salary while at Chrysler. He, unlike Iacocca, failed.

The UAW is, of course, distraught. Their bargaining power has just weakened with the forced closing (for at least two months) of Chrysler manufacturing plants. And this, right after they didn't ask for more money. So Obama, the UAW, and Chrysler all lied to the little guy who apparently hadn't noticed that no one is buying cars and so there is no real need to make any more right now, thank you very much. Go home now.

Those individual citizens who over extended themselves after President Clinton changed the laws on lending aren't given the same backing. Their bad choices lead to their own downfall. I just hope all the people who have had their homes taken away from them will get back on their feet and start being able to share the tax burden. Big Government needs their input. 


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